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Mineralni puder i pribor |
Želite li to učiniti kao ja, otiđite u najbližu prodavaonicu s mineralnim puderom i zamolite ljubaznu prodavačicu da za vas odabere boju. Ako se nađete u Beču i u potrazi ste za takvim puderom, idite u Vercos (mala butika s prirodnom kozmetikom) i prodavačica će vam zasigurno pomoći. Osim ondje, kvalitetni mineralni puder pronaći ćete i u boljim Müller trgovinama te trgovinama s bio-proizvodima ili kako oni to zovu Reformhaus.
Ukoliko nemate sreće ili puder namjeravate naručiti preko interneta, evo nekoliko savjeta pri kupnji mineralnog pudera:
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Moj puder prikazan na vratu, vrlo malo razmazan |
- Puder nikada nemojte isprobavati na poleđini ruke - boja kože na ruci i vratu ili licu može se itekako razlikovati, najbolje je puder isprobati na obrazu ili vratu - ja sam svoj isprobala na vratu jer
- Pripazite na svjetlo - puder je najbolje isprobati na dnevnom svijetlu, koliko puta mi se dogodilo da je puder u trgovini izgledao dobro, a na dnevnom svijetlu žuto!
- Mat ili ne - neki puderi dolaze u mat i normalnoj verziji, za masnu je kožu mat svakako prikladnija opcija, ali oni sa suhom kožom bi ju trebali izbjegavati.
- Boja u pakovanju i na koži - puder u pakiranju može izgledati tamnije no što je, nemojte se ustručavati isprobati ga.
- Snaga prekrivanja - mineralni puderi općenito imaju malu snagu prekrivanja, ali mogu se slagati tj. nanositi u više slojeva. Nemojte odmah očajavati ako puder nije prekrio sve, uostalom za veće nedostatke postoji korektor.
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Moje vene na svijetlu |
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Moje vene - pojačane kako biste bolje vidjeli |
- Neutralan, topao ili hladan ton - Neki puderi osim boje, razlikuju još i ton kože. Njega ćete odrediti tako što pogledate vaše vene na zapešću: zelene vene znače topao ton, plave hladan, a plave i zelene (kao što je to kod mene slučaj) neutralan ton.
Imate li vi kakve savjete za odabir pravog pudera? Jeste li zadovoljni bojom pudera kojeg koristite?
If you want to do it my way, go to your nearest retailer with mineral powder and ask the nice lady to help you pick your colour. If you happen to find yourself in Vienna, you can visit Vercos, a small organic beauty boutique near the main shopping street. The nice lady who works there will surely be glad to help you. Good quality mineral powders can also be found in the larger Müller stores (a German drugstore chain) and organic pharmacies/stores or, the German name, Reformhaus.
If you're not as lucky or you would like to order your powder online, here are some useful tips:
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My mineral powder applied on my neck, only slightly blended in |
- Do not try out on the back of your hand – the colour of your skin on your hand and your neck or face can vary considerably. It's best to try out your powder on your neck or cheek – as you can see on the picture, I've tried mine on my neck because I want to match my face to my neck and not the other way around.
- Be aware of the lightning – it's best to try out your powders on daylight. It happened to me more than once that my powder looked good inside the shop and then it looked way too yellowish in daylight.
- Matte or not – some powders come in a matte and normal version. Matte is certainly more appropriate for oily skin while people with dry skin should try to avoid them. Mineral powder can be drying as is.
- Colour difference (in the packaging and on your skin) – Mineral powder can look darker in the packaging than it really is. Do not hesitate to try out a slightly darker shade than you'd expect.
- Coverage – mineral powders in general tend to have a smaller coverage but can be build up in multiple layers Don't give up your hope if your powder hasn't covered everything in the first try – concealer can also help cover blemishes.
- Neutral, warm or cold undertone – Some powders also come in different undertones. You can determine your undertone by looking at the veins on your wrist. Green veins mean warm, blue equals cold and blue and green determine a neutral tone (as is the case with me).
Do you have any useful tips for finding the right shade for your skintone? Are you happy with your current foundations colour?
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