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začini, sok od šljive, krema i maramice za čišćenje lica |
Jučer sam posjetila naše drage susjede u Pečuhu i pri tom nabavila par stvari. To su redom:
- Kotany začini Bombay masala
- Bio Primo sok od šljive sa sokom od aronije
- Laverina krema za smanjivanje pora
- Alterra maramice za čišćenje lica
Kotany začini Bombay masala odlični su za pripremu krumpirića, pečene piletine, tikka masala (tradicionalnog indijskog jela) i slično. Sve navedeno sam isprobala već i vrlo rado pripremam i jedem. Nedavno sam pronašla recept za masala tost sendviče koji ću isprobati čim pronađem sve potrebne sastojke i naravno pokazati vam rezultat.
Bio Primo Pflaumenkur sok od šljiva sa sokom od aronije odličan je vitaminski napitak, a uz to i jako ukusan. Ima pun okus plavih šljiva, aronija se samo malo osjeti te stoga nije nimalo kiseo. Ovaj sok dobar je za probavu, a osim toga šljive su pune kalija te sadrže vrlo malo kalorija. Aronija štiti jetru i bubrege, ima protuupalno djelovanje te je općenito dobra za naš organizam. Sve u svemu, pravo osvježenje!
Alterra maramice za čišćenje lica Aloe Vera za suhu i osjetljivu kožu završila je u košarici jer na njoj piše da ne sadrži alkohol. Nekada sam koristila alverde maramice za čišćenje lica koje ga sadrže te me je lice zaista peklo od njih. Zbog toga sam i odustala od takvih maramica - sve do sada. Isprobat ću ju idućih tjedana i vratit vam se s ocjenom. Za sada mogu reći da ima fin i osvježavajuć miris na limun. Kupljene su trgovini Rossman u trgovačkom centru Árkád.
Lavera krema za smanjivanje pora na licu s organskom mentom i ekstraktom čička osvojila me ponajprije ocjenom časopisa Öko-Test. Njihovi testovi su pouzdani i dobri. K tome je teško pronaći kremu za smanjivanje pora koja stvarno i radi ono što obećaje. Većinom su to kreme koje se nanose prije pudera za lice i učinak im je samo prividan, tj. privremen.

Blijedo je zelene boje, a miriši osvježavajuće na mentu, ali ne prejako. Do sada sam ju uspjela 2 puta iskoristiti i mogu reći da kožu ostavlja hidratiziranu i baršunastu. Osim smanjivanje pora, obećaje i pročišćavanje lica od prištića i mitesera jer sadrži cink. Ne nadražuje kožu te ju još i matira.
Ovo su sastojci, INCI:

* ingredients from certified organic agriculture, ** natural essential oils
Sastojci su uglavno iznimno kvalitetni. Jedino što me brinulo jest alkohol jer one može isušiti kožu ili čak i peckati, kao što sam spomenula kod maramica za čišćenje. No barem za sada to nije slučaj, moja koža je hidratizirana i meka nakon nanošenja kreme. Nakon dužeg testiranja napisati ću i o njoj recenziju.
Jeste li isprobali neke od tih proizvoda? Koja recenzija vas zanima najviše (tako da ju napišem prvo)?
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spices, prune juice, face cream and face wipes |
Yesterday I visited
our dear neighbours in Hungary and went shopping in Pecs and bought a
couple of things there. Those are:
- Kotany spices Bombay masala
- Bio primo prune juice with aronia berry juice
- Lavera pore refining moisturising fluid
- Alterra face cleansing wipes
Kotany spices Bombay
masala are great for frying potatoes, chicken, preparing tikka masala
etc. I've already tried all these and I
like to eat and prepare these dishes very much. I've
quite recently also found a masala toast sandwich recipe which I'd
like to try as soon as I find all the necessary ingredients and I'll
naturally show you the result.
Bio Primo
Pflaumenkur is a prune juice with aronia berry juice and is a real
vitamin bomb! Besides that, it's also really delicious. It
has a full prune flavour, the aronia juice taste is only slightly
there and the juice is therefore not the least bit sour. It's
good for your digestion and the prunes are full of potassium and are
low in calories. Aronia protects your liver
and kidneys, it's anti-inflammatory and all in all really good for
your body. A real refreshment!
Alterra facial
cleansing wipes Aloe Vera for dry and sensitive skin ended up in my
cart because it says it contains no alcohol. I
used to have the alverde face wipes which do have alcohol in it and
my face would sting like mad because of it. That's
why I've given up on face wipes in general – up until now.
I'm going to use it in the following weeks and get
back to you with a thorough review. For now
all I can say is that it has a refreshing lemon scent. I've
bought them in Rossman in the Hungarian mall Árkád.
Lavera Organic Mint
& Organic Burdock Extract pore refining moisturising fluid
primarily won me over because of the review of the Öko-Test
magazine. Their reviews are generally
reliable and very good. Furthermore it's
really hard to find a pore refining cream which really does what it
says. Mostly these are creams which are
applied before foundation and their effect is only optical or temporary.
I've bought it in
Müller for 2590 HUF (roughly 7 €) and you get 30 ml for it.
The cream is placed in a little pump bottle which
gives out just enough product for the entire face and neck area.
It has a light green
colour and smells of mint but is not too overpowering. I've
used it on 2 occasions so far and I can say it leaves my skin
moisturised and velvety. Not only does it
refine pores but it also promises to rid the face of any blemishes.
It contains mineral zinc which also mattifies the skin.
These are the
ingredients, INCI:

* ingredients from certified organic agriculture, ** natural essential oils
The ingredients are
of high quality. The only thing which
worried me was the alcohol which can dry the skin or even sting as I
have already said in the previous section. At
least for now, this has not been the case – my face is hydrated and
soft after I apply the cream. After a
longer testing period, I'll come back to you with a thorough review.
Have you tried any
of these products? Which review interests
you the most (so I'll do it first)?
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